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pancreatic islet造句

"pancreatic islet"是什么意思  
  • Inbred mice of the dba/2 strain developed severe necrotizing lesions of the pancreatic islets .
  • Effect of ethanol on insulin mrna expression and function of pancreatic islet - cells
  • Isolating method of rat pancreatic islets and affect factors for its activity
  • The effect of ca2 channel bloker on insulin secretion in rat pancreatic islet cells
  • Effects of chronic alcohol ingestion on function and structure of pancreatic islets of rats
  • Inbred mice of the dba2 strain developed severe necrotizing lesions of the pancreatic islets
    近亲繁殖的dba 2系小白鼠发生了胰岛严重坏孢病变。
  • Inbred mice of the dba / 2 strain developed severe necrotizing lesions of the pancreatic islets
    近亲繁殖的dba 2系小白鼠发生了胰岛严重坏孢病变。
  • Here is a normal pancreatic islet of langerhans surrounded by normal exocrine pancreatic acinar tissue
  • 2 . pharmacological study : the result of experiment on animals showed that it contained the pancreatic islet restoration
  • Cells of impaired pancreatic islet tissue restore as quickly as possible , the excretion of insulin be normal
  • It's difficult to see pancreatic islet in a sentence. 用pancreatic islet造句挺难的
  • This is due to excessive growth of their pancreatic islet cells that results in uncontrolled insulin secretion
  • Protective effect of lycium barbarum polysaccharide and its compound recipe on pancreatic islet function in rats with streptozotocin - induced diabetes mellitus
  • Pancreatic islet cell transplantation as a treatment for diabetes has hitherto been confined to small patient cohorts with limited success
  • For diabetes this prescription selects rare chinese traditional medicines that have the effects of increasing the body fluid and quenching thirst , restoring pancreatic islet function and curing diabetes
  • Besides insulin - producing pancreatic islet cells for treating diabetes , stem cells from cloned embryos could also be nudged to become heart muscle cells as therapies for congestive heart failure , arrhythmias and cardiac tissue scarred by heart attacks
  • New york ( reuters health ) sept 07 - a short period of sleep deprivation causes changes in hormonal glucose regulation , with a strong effect on pancreatic islet secretion , a decrease in glucagon levels and a slight reduction in c - peptide levels , according to a small study in the august issue of the journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism
    纽约(路透社健康新闻) 9月7日据《临床内分泌及代谢》杂志8月刊上的一项小型研究称,短期的睡眠不足会导致葡萄糖调节激素改变,对胰岛素分泌产生强烈影响,降低高血糖素水平,使c -肽水平轻微减少。
  • This paper summarizes the research progress in vitrified cryopreservation of several animal tissues and cells , for example , pancreatic islet and oocytes of mouse , ovaries of rat , blastocysts and oocytes of bovine , embryos of pig and human , and the effect of different cryoprotectants , vitrification solutions and cooling procedures on survival rate
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